These are two wall lamps that I found at an Annual church Garage Sale back in the Spring. I bought them for $1.00 each. What a bargain! I then bought the lamp shades at Hobby Lobby (with a 40% off coupon) that you can cover yourself with any kind of material, etc. that you like. I found the fabric on clearance at Hancock Fabrics and bought all that was left (about 2.5 yards I think) for less than $4.00! What a deal! Then my friend monogrammed them for me and I repainted the old shiny brass finish with the same Rust Kit that I redid my Dining Room chandelier with. I love the look so much better than the outdated brass finish. Hope you enjoy looking and get inspired to paint something of your own. I love being able to redo things to suit my taste at a great price. That is the only way that I get to do a lot of things around my house~ is being able to do them myself, everything is so expensive to have done otherwise and just trying to feed and clothe 4 kids on airline salaries these days can be quite a challenge at times! :)