The $1.99 sticker from Goodwill. I hadn't been in Goodwill for a few weeks and luckily I got this the same day it was brought in. Most of the time if I don't pick something up right then, I will regret it because it seems the good stuff never sticks around long. Since I forgot to take a "before" picture of the front, this is kind of what it looked like. You can get an idea of the color at least.

Here are the two craft paints that I used to transform this Goodwill find. I first used the ivory and then covered it with the Sandstone. I then sanded the edges to distress it and get the shabby chic look that I love.

Close up of one of the words that was on it originally before being covered up by a decorative wooden piece. No one wants to be reminded of bills, so I covered it up with something way cuter:)

$1.99 Letter & Key Holder from Goodwill before I finished putting all of the wooden pieces over the words. I love gingham ribbon, especially black and white, so I chose a piece that I had in my scrap bag and just hung it by that instead of by two nails. I was just so ready to show it off that I couldn't wait until I was completely done to take an "after" picture:)

Close Up of Finished Letter Holder
I purchased the little wooden shapes for 40% off at Michael's (Hobby Lobby has them also). They also have fleur de lis ones that I have used before on other projects, but the ones I had on hand weren't big enough for this project.
Now, I am sure that this will be filled with all kinds of papers, etc. before I know it, but at least it is hidden away in the pantry:)
Hope you have enjoyed my thrifty makeover for the day!