I LOVE any kind of handmade signs and sayings.
I have them in just about every room in my house.
Some sayings are to remind me and some are to remind my kids.:)
Here are just a few of the signs and sayings that I enjoy reading each day.
This one below is in our Master Bath.

This "Bless Your Heart" is hanging in the half bath.
This is a staple in any Southern home and the saying itself can mean a plethora of things. :)

My grandparents always had a little sign at their front door with this saying on it. I will always remember it, so I decided to make my own one day. I don't really like my own writing, but I was in a hurry and wanted to get it up on the wall. So this will have to do... for now anyway.

I got this one at a craft show from a lady who paints all kind of sayings on signs.
She is always at each craft fair that I go to in our area. I am ABSOLUTELY SURE that my kids read it and obey it every day! Just like yours do, right?!:)

I am not quite sure where I came up with this saying, but I LOVE it!~ (Pardon the glare on the photo.)

Now, I came up with this when I saw a sign painted by the lady that I mentioned before at a craft fair. Her sign said, "Iced Tea: House Wine of the South". I told her that it would be much cuter if it said "Sweet Tea". She agreed, and the next time that I saw her, she told me that I wouldn't believe how much money I had made her by her changing that! She gave me a free one just for that. Woohoo! I made this one on my own with scrapbook paper and modge podge on a wooden plaque from Hobby Lobby.

This is my favorite saying, because since I am a Flight Attendant I am gone from home way too often for my taste. I ALWAYS LOVE to come home!

I hope you have enjoyed my signs and sayings tour throughout our home. I have a few more that I might post at a later date. (I am not in the mood to go upstairs to the kids rooms to take pictures because I would see their clothes all over the floor!):)
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